


选择性实习培训(OPT)是 校外临时就业 用于实践训练 与F-1学生的专业直接相关. 不同于课程实践训练(CPT), OPT does not need to contribute to 一个学生’s degree plan (e.g. 实习学分),而且是最常用的 毕业后.


  • OPT有三种类型:
    1. Post-Completion (最常见的)- up to 一年的工作授权 授予 after 一个学生 完成 所有课程要求
    2. 杆加长, up to 2 years of additional Post-Completion选择 for students with STEM degree
    3. (不常见的)—到 一年的工作授权 授予 之前 一个学生 完成 所有课程要求
      • CIS requests that any students interested in 补 OPT contact a CIS advisor—and consider CPT instead.
  • 学生需要 向U申请.S. 美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS) for OPT authorization with the help of a Designated School Official (DSO) from CIS.
  • 就业 can begin when the student receives an EAD(就业授权文件)卡 从美国入籍与移民服务局.
  • 确保你的护照上有 至少6个月后


  • 学生一直在 F-1 状态至少 一个完整学年
  • 学生 not enrolled in an intensive English-language or certificate program.
  • 学生都有 not 超过12个月的全职CPT
  • You are eligible for 12 months OPT per education level. 例如, if you are completing a second Master's degree and you have already used OPT at the Master's level, you are not eligible for 12 additional months of OPT after completing the second Master's degree. 
  • For Post-Completion选择:学生 能完成所有课程要求吗 对于他们的专业 by the end of the semester—or is in their 60-day grace period after completing 所有课程要求.
    • 在SCSU, graduate students can apply for and engage in Post-Completion选择 while they work on their thesis, 顶石纸, 或综合考试.


  • The 最早的 学生可以申请毕业后OPT 课程结束前90天.
  • The 最新的 学生可以申请毕业后OPT 项目结束后的60天内 (USCIS must receive the application by this time).
  • 在CIS处理OPT请求之后, students can apply for OPT through USCIS either by mail or through the USCIS在线门户网站.
  • USCIS申请费是 $470.
  • USCIS通常需要 3个月 处理OPT申请.
  • 当授予授权时,授权通常是 有效期一年.
    • Post-Completion选择 Authorization Dates: The 最早的 start date 一个学生 may request is the day after the program end date (last day of courses). The 最新的 start date 一个学生 may request is the last day of the 60-day grace period following the program end date.


要申请,学生需要 向美国移民局提交申请材料 with the help of a Designated School Official (DSO) from CIS. 步骤如下:

  1. 审查 the 资格 需求和 申请前要知道的事情 以确定您是否符合资格. If you are unsure, you can contact CIS for guidance.
  2. 支付 $100 OPT行政处理费.
    • 当你在美国工作的时候.S. 在选择, 联邦政府要求CIS维护, 更新, and report on your SEVIS record until all employment authorization has concluded. This fee offsets the expenses of all SEVP-mandated employment reporting.
    • To pay, send an email requesting the processing fee to be added to your account.
    • 支付 processing fee in one of the following ways:
      • 网上直通 电子商务; Mastercard, Visa, Discover, or E-Check accepted
      • Phone – call the Cashier’s Office at (320)308-4012; 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM, Monday – Friday
      • In-person – Administrative Service Building, Room 123; 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM, Monday – Friday
  3. 提交以下文件 通过 OPT申请表格:
  4. DSO将审核您的请求. If eligible, the DSO will enter the OPT request in SEVIS and create a new OPT requested I-20. 
    • The OPT request information will be found on page 2 of the I-20
  5. 你会收到 your new OPT requested I-20 and further instructions by e-mail/through the 提交表单
  6. 将您的申请包提交给USCIS.

Complete List of Application Materials to USCIS (Online Filing)

  • Digital Passport-style Photo of You (2x2 photo)
    • Must be recent (within the last 30 days), in color, and meet US passport photo standards.
    • Photos can be obtained at Walgreens, Walmart, or a local photography shop. You may also take your own, but the photo file must meet USCIS’s photo requirements.
  • 有效护照识别页
  • i - 94的记录
  • 以前的EAD卡(如适用)(正面) & 回来)
  • I-20s showing past CPT or OPT authorizations (如适用)
    • 如果你没有这些i -20, the CIS front desk can send you the scanned copies we have on f ile for you. 请电子邮件 international@szdeyihan.com to request your previous copies and include your St. 云状态ID#. 
  • 最近的I-20申请OPT在第2页
    • The I-20 must have been endorsed by the DSO within 30 days of submitting Form I-765. 在那之后,你的申请可能会被拒绝.
    • 你必须打印I-20表,签名 & date on page 1, and scan the signed copy to upload.
  • $470,用借记卡/信用卡支付

照片: Jpg, jpeg, PNG
文档: JPG、jpeg、pdf、tif、tiff (.医生或 .不允许使用BMP文件)
最大尺寸: 每个文件6MB


  • USCIS通常会 2-3个月处理 选择应用程序.
  • Once your application and payment are submitted, you can use your online account for the following:
    • 查看收货通知
    • 查阅生物识别通知书(如适用)
    • 审查 Requests for Evidence (RFEs), if applicable
    • 查看您的案例状态(通过案例状态选项卡)
    • 请参阅I-765表格的PDF格式
    • 查看你的决定信
  • 如果你的申请是 返回 with a Request for Further Evidence (RFE), you should contact a DSO for assistance. We will likely need to create a new I-20 for you.
  • 当你的申请 批准, USCIS会寄送 筒子,卡 to the mailing address you provided in you application.
  • You should begin working—paid or unpaid—only after you have received the 筒子,卡.
  • You should submit a copy of your EAD to your employer. 
  • 如果你的申请是 否认,移民局会通知你.


While 在选择, it is your responsibility to follow OPT reporting requirements. 请浏览我们的 OPT报告要求 网页提供更多资料. 下面是一些基本的:

  • 在完成后OPT中,您将使用 SEVP门户 to report any changes to personal contact information (including address) or employment within 10 days. SEVP will automatically email you instructions for setting up your portal account on your 批准 OPT start date.
  • 就业必须与你的学位相关. 它可以是有偿的,也可以是无偿的. 你必须每周至少工作20小时.
  • You have a total of 90 unemployment days available during your year of Post-Completion选择. The unemployment count starts on your OPT start date and 更新s only when your employment is reported in SEVIS. If SEVIS determines that you have accrued over 90 days of unemployment after your OPT start date, 您的SEVIS记录将自动终止.
  • 请求你的 旅行的签名 在美国境外旅行之前. Travel signatures are valid for 6 months while 在选择, 或者直到你的OPT期结束, 先到者为准.