


These guidelines for selection and management of library resources provide the general principles for managing the collections within the St. 博彩平台大全图书馆.


集合: An organized group of library resources acquired and maintained for common use among the faculty, 工作人员, 和St的学生. 博彩平台大全.

图书馆材料: 书, 视听产品, 连续剧, 电子资源, 政府文件, 和其他资源的维护,以供教师共同使用, 工作人员, 和St的学生. 博彩平台大全.  Library materials must be deemed legal for common use by copyright law and licensing agreements. 

档案: A collection of documents, records, or other materials about and/or unique to St. 博彩平台大全.  St. 博彩平台大全档案, 同时被认为是大学图书馆的藏品, 坚持自己的收藏发展政策.


The 大学图书馆 collection provides current and/or relevant materials for teaching, 研究, 和学生的需求相关的项目和课程提供St. 博彩平台大全.



Authority for the administration of library collections and services rests with the Dean of 大学图书馆.  The library collection is developed by the Collection Management Librarian and the E-Resources/Serials Librarian, 在与图书馆和学院教员协商后, 以及支持学生成功的单位.  詹姆斯·W. Miller Learning Resources Center develops and manages its collection according to a continuing analysis and understanding of the evolving academic programs and interests of St. 博彩平台大全.  In developing and managing its collections, 大学图书馆 fully subscribes to the 美国图书馆协会图书馆权利法案:

  • “材料不应该因为来源而被排除在外, background, 或者是那些为他们的创作做出贡献的人的观点.”
  • “Materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical 问题 should be provided.”
  • “Materials should 不 be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.”
  • “Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.”

In accordance with the American Disabilities Act and 明尼苏达州政策, 大学图书馆 strives to make the materials within its collection accessible to all patrons.


The 大学图书馆 holdings and acquisitions fall into the following categories:

  1. 课程支持:直接支持教学主题的材料, 课程准备, 以及学生研究.
    1. works that introduce and define a subject and indicate the varieties of information available.
    2. standard and selected current works to support undergraduate instruction/研究 and graduate instruction/研究 as defined by college faculty.
    3. 外文材料(如.g., to support foreign language learning or foreign language materials about a topic to support foreign language programs at St. 博彩平台大全.
    4. 主要作者作品.

课程支持不包括教师的软件应用程序, 工作人员, 或者学生的生产力, 或专著, 连续剧, 或者系办公室或教室里的非印刷材料. 

  1. Selected award-winning works of fiction and non-fiction: Award winners will be acquired in English.  获奖作品最初以其他语言出版. 博彩平台大全也将以原始语言获得. 
  1. 所选材料代表, 反映, 并举例说明, 问题, 和人类多样性的挑战,在所有领域的学术研究圣. 博彩平台大全.  
  1. Selected publications of faculty, 工作人员, administration, students, and alumni at St. 博彩平台大全. St. 博彩平台大全教师, 工作人员, 鼓励管理人员, 获得出版商许可, 上传书籍章节, 期刊文章, 或其他作品到圣. 博彩平台大全机构存储库. 
  1. 学生的最终项目, 比如论文和署名论文, 必须经过研究生院的批准才能在收藏中被接受. Digital copies of student culminating projects, with student permission, may be uploaded to the St. 博彩平台大全机构存储库.
  1. 应邀出席圣. 博彩平台大全.
  1. 明尼苏达州作者撰写的精选出版物.
  1. 支持研究生和教师研究的精选材料.
  1. Other materials 不 covered above that support the mission of the University and the purpose of the 大学图书馆 collections. These materials support infrequent inquiries or 研究 on a subject outside the curriculum, are limited in number and are usually reserved for reference or high degree of general interest.  Most collection at this level is better supported by the University of Minnesota libraries or stored in the Minnesota Library 访问 Center, 以馆际互借方式提供.

 大学图书馆有 收集:

  • 认证考试学习指南(St. 博彩平台大全课程.e. 实践,GMAT等.).
  • 软件. 


  • Library materials purchased from the library budget become the property of St. 博彩平台大全 and will be housed in the 大学图书馆 in the James W. Miller Learning Resources Center, or on platforms to which the 大学图书馆 supports.  整个大学社区都可以使用图书馆的资料.  出于这个原因, resources acquired for library collections are compliant with fair use laws, 版权法, 以及明尼苏达州政策规定的许可协议, ADA的指导方针, 州和联邦法律. 
  • Inter-institutional or consortial agreements are reviewed to maintain subject strengths within the existing collection.
  • Duplicate copies of books, while 不 normally acquired, are considered on a title-by-title basis.  In the case of works by faculty, 工作人员, administration, students, and alumni of St. 博彩平台大全, 可获得两份:一份用于流通收藏, 另一张则可能被放在大学档案馆.
  • Out-of-print materials, while 不 normally acquired, will be considered on a title-by-title basis.
  • Audiovisual materials are purchased with closed captioning whenever possible for ADA compliance as per 明尼苏达州政策. 

Requesters selecting expensive items or duplicates may be asked to provide justification. 


欢迎捐赠大学图书馆的馆藏.  物品必须处于良好状态,没有霉菌、害虫和水的损坏.  任何捐赠的物品都将成为圣. 博彩平台大全财产.  Items that meet the General Library Collection Development Criteria will be selected for inclusion and integrated into the collection. St. 博彩平台大全不会为任何捐赠分配价值.

Unsolicited items sent to the 大学图书馆 will be treated as donations, 并且要求为未经请求的物品付款将被忽略, 根据标题39, 我们的代码, 第3009条(39USC3009).

Donations that do 不 meet the General Library Collection Development Criteria as stated above will be reviewed by the Collection Management Librarian for potential distribution to other libraries in the region.  圣. 博彩平台大全图书馆或任何其他实体将被丢弃.


大学图书馆 supports the concept of intellectual freedom which is embodied in the 美国图书馆协会权利法案.  如上所述, The 大学图书馆 fully endorses the 美国图书馆协会图书馆权利法案, and collection management decisions will be made in accordance with the Library Bill of Rights.


在选择和订购收集材料时, 大学图书馆 will do its best to make reasonable accommodation for patrons with disabilities in accordance with 明尼苏达州政策. 为听障人士提供的附有隐藏式字幕的视听资料, 例如, 在我们的目录中被标识为“为听力受损人士录制的视频?.”



Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Guidelines for Use of 软件 and Electronic Works

明尼苏达州立大学: 残疾人士参考指引:学生/公众人士